Touching Hearts, Changing Lives
Because our training philosophies so closely align with most agencies recruiting for nurse aide positions, Touching Hearts, Changing Lives graduates are HIGHLY sought after by employers.
In addition, once our trainees successfully complete our program, we offer class auditing, skills review as available and by appointment and written practice test time right up until the time the graduate takes and successfully passes the state test. These review sessions are free for graduates of our program.

Our Approach
At Touching Hearts, Changing Lives, we impart an expectation of providing the highest level of quality services. When exceptional care is given to a resident, not only is that person positively impacted, but so are the lives of all those who love and care about that person.
Feel confident that you’ll find a great job after you pass the State Tested Nursing Assistant exam. For all qualified graduates, though we cannot guarantee employment, we will be happy to assist you in finding employment through employers seeking our graduates. With our training, you’ll enter the field knowledgeable and prepared for the workforce.
Our Nurse Aide Training Program
Though the State of Ohio requires a minimum of a 75-hour program, for our competitive program fee we offer a total of 76-hours of training - a combination of 60-hours of classroom lessons and 16-hours of clinical experience. Our dynamic nurse instructors go above and beyond to prepare our trainees for the CNA state exam through informative, innovative lectures, audio/visual teaching aids, guest speakers, and hands-on lab work and return demonstrations. Many of our trainees have said that the hands-on clinical experience gives them the confidence and motivation they need to excel in providing exceptional resident care.
We keep class sizes to a maximum of 16 trainees for optimum learning opportunities.
Touching Hearts, Changing Lives is an approved CNA state test site. We attempt to prepare our trainees to successfully take and pass the state test through not only the types of tests/quizzes and assignments we give, but also through the way we give them.

We’re Here to Help
You Succeed!
Turn to us at Touching Hearts, Changing Lives for helpful assistance while you prepare for the CNA state test. The nursing team is as dedicated to their students as the students are to the program and their own success. The nurse instructors are incredibly knowledgeable and provide thorough training.
The nursing team is available to provide extra support prior to you going to take your state test. We go the extra mile to work with trainees who have IEP’s. When we are informed of the needs (extra time, reader, reader/marker, use of a calculator), we do our best to accommodate in the classroom.